Sunday, June 1, 2008

Rockwell: LP has jettisoned ‘radical libertarianism’, ‘non-aggression’; Root a ‘neocon’

Speaking on Libertarian nominee Bob Barr, long-time Ron Paul friend and associate Lew Rockwell says, “[H]e is an impressive and well-spoken public figure.”

Of Barr’s recent Fox News appearance, Rockwell says, “He condemned government spending, seemed to call himself a ‘true conservative,’ and said that he would not seek votes that would otherwise go to McCain.”

Rockwell continued:

I am an outsider when it comes to the Libertarian party, but in my blinkered view, now that it has made the decision to jettison radical libertarianism and the non-aggression axiom, it can serve only one larger purpose this year: defeating the worst mainstream candidate, McCain, a madman who endangers the whole world. May Mr. Barr do so, and may he stress his anti-statist principles, though a neocon running mate [Wayne Allyn Root] is no help.

When asked about his experience with the Libertarian Party, Rockwell had this to say:

I joined the LP to help Ron Paul get the 1988 nomination, was elected (dread word) to its national committee, but left when the next national convention booed and ridiculed Murray Rothbard, which crystallized a lot of misgivings for me.

Below is the Fox News appearance to which Rockwell is referring above:

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